Geoekologiya, 2022, Vol. 1, P. 13-19


A.L. Suzdaleva

National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,
Yaroslavskoye shosse, 26, Moscow, 129337 Russia

E-mail: SuzdalevaAL@yandex.ru.


Global changes in the planet’s climate cause abnormal floods that occur recurrently in some areas of the Russian Federation. In order to prevent the economic and environmental damage caused by them, it is proposed to build special hydraulic engineering structures, i.e., water storage facilities (depositories). They are designed to store extra water that causes flooding of vast areas and main population centres. Water depositories can be created in the form of large-scale above-ground or underground water reservoirs. For this purpose, it is also possible to reconstruct existing water reservoirs. The financial expenses for the construction of water storage facilities can be compensated in two different ways. First, these costs are significantly less than the economic damage caused by floods. Secondly, the water accumulated in these reservoirs can be imported to countries facing shortage in water resources. However, to carry out these activities, it is necessary to create special utilities, i.e., water resource logistics routes. Water storage facilities are the basic element of them; they can guarantee the continuous supply of a significant volume of water. Such organisation of inter-basin redistribution of river runoff does not cause any negative changes in the hydrological conditions of donor rivers and dangerous geoecological changes in their basins. The term “mobile water resources” has been proposed to designate water, the import of which does not affect the environment. The constantly growing water use against the background of the increased water shortage in many regions leads to an increase in the demand for supplies from foreign sources. As a result, the international market for water resources is rapidly developing in our today’s world. In addition to significant economic benefits, fresh water import arrangements strengthen the national geopolitical position. For these reasons, water resource logistics systems have already been established in many countries. The most active stakeholders in the creation of the international water market are becoming hydrohygemones. The construction of water storage facilities in Russia and the water resource logistics system arrangements will allow it to become one of such states.

Keywords: floods, interbasin flow redistribution, water market, water resource logistics, hydrohygemon



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