Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 2, 73-79


A. S. Gusevaa,#, S. A. Ustinova,##, and V. A. Petrova,###

a Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences (IGEM RAS), Staromonetnyi per., 35, Moscow, 119017 Russia

#e-mail: alexandra.guseva2011@yandex.ru
##e-mail: stevesa@mail.ru
###e-mail: vlad234@igem.ru

The article presents the results of geoecological zoning of New Moscow territory on the basis of assessment of geological and radioecological factors for planning the construction of residential buildings and infrastructure. Before 2012, the considered area was a part of the Moscow region, where no studies of this kind had been performed before. Extensive cartographic material and results of aerial gamma-spectrometric survey were applied for the analysis. The collected actual raster and vector data were processed using GIS-technology. It al- lowed us to consider the areas of cumulative influence of the considered factors and to reveal the zones unfavorable for living and economic activity of people. The hazardous geological process such as karst, suffusion, landslides, waterlogging with the definition of areas of their distribution, and also the neotectonic fault revealed by the authors earlier were considered as geological factors. The maximal radionuclide (232Th, 238U, 40K) concentrations exceeding the background value typical for the European part of Russia were regarded as potentially hazardous radioecological factors. Using GIS-technologies for the analysis of the collected factual material allowed building a series of geoecological and radioecological maps, on the basis of which the best and worst favorable zones for the spatial development were identified and characterized. At the same time, it was concluded that the area of New Moscow as a whole is characterized by relatively favorable geoecological and radioecological conditions.

Keywords: New Moscow, geoecology, geoecological zoning, geoecological mapping, hazardous geological process, radionuclides

DOI: 10.31857/S0869780920020046


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