Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 2, 80-89


K. V. Kurguzova,#, I. K. Fomenkoa,##, and O. N. Sirotkinab,###

a Russian State Geological Prospecting University,
ul. Miklukho-Maklaya, 23, Moscow, 117997 Russia
b Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991 Russia



###e-mail: onsirotkina@gmail.com

Uncertainty as a multidisciplinary scientific category has been an object of scrutiny for a long time. High level of uncertainty is a distinctive feature of geology among other sciences. The study, analysis and discussions of this category remain for the most part in rhetorical or philosophical fields; however, there is a direct require- ment to quantify this category in the engineering geology practice. Uncertainty is understood as an ambigu- ous property because of lacking information about engineering geological conditions. This definition arises a question, if the uncertainty relates to information, could it be fully considered quantitatively? There’s a fact that various random factors influence geological processes and soil (rocks) properties. In other words, geo- logical processes are not completely deterministic. Geological processes and soil properties pertain to time and spatial composition of deterministic and random multivariate fields. Uncertainty is an inherent feature of engineering geology and geotechnical engineering. But almost all engineering tasks are being solved with deterministic applications, without considering random factors quantitatively. Today the design methodolo- gy is based on a limit state design concept, which is considered as a semi-probabilistic procedure. It involves the application of various partial reliability factors to produce structures able to withstand against the occur- rence of ultimate and serviceability loadings (ULS and SLS). Apparently, this limit state design methodology is unable to provide the process of assembling the structure with defined level of reliability, for it doesn’t con- sider the random nature of site condition, engineering geology processes, soils variability, structural loads, etc. All these uncertainty factors and random nature of geological processes could be envisaged with an ap- plication of probability theory, statistics, as well as geostatistic. For quantitative uncertainty consideration it’s required to analyze various factors separately such as loads, variability of soil properties, uncertainty of math- ematical models, geology geometry (stratigraphy, geomorphology etc.). Various classifications of the geology uncertainty are shown in the article. In general, uncertainty, as a category, could be subdivided in two types: aleatoric (ontological) uncertainty that deals with a physical nature of processes; and epistemic (gnostic) un- certainty that pertains to lack of knowledge of physical processes. The quantitative consideration of uncer- tainty factors allows us to create the uncertainty model for the analyzed construction site (a random model). In geotechnical practice, failures do occur sometimes. Attributing them to a residual risk or a faulty execution of the project does not properly cover the range of causes. A closer scrutiny of the design, the engineering model, the data, the soil-structure interaction and the model assumptions are required. Usually, the uncer- tainties in initial and boundary conditions as well as material parameters are abundant. Deterministic meth- odology which is a basis for current norms and regulations is unable to analyze all the reasons that pertain to uncertainty, causing an engineer to leave the issue aside. Research and analysis of this complex category in the article reveals a high demand for thorough application of stochastic methods in geotechnics. Unfortunate- ly, it still does not have a broad usage in practice, due to various circumstances. Moreover, among geotech- nical engineers, who are used to deterministic calculations, there’s an opinion could be met that such cate- gory as uncertainty could hardly be assessed and estimated if at all. All these remind us of actuality of the subject.

Keywords: lithotechnical system, the uncertainty of LTS, probabilistic approach, geostatistics, stochastic geoengineering

DOI: 10.31857/S0869780920020071


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