Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 2, 58-63


E. G. Ozhoginaa,b,#, O. V. Kotovac,##, O. A. Yakushinaa,d,###, and V. E. Zhukovaa,####

a Fedorovsky All-Russian Research Institute of Mineral Resources, Staromonetnyi per., 31, Moscow, 119017 Russia

 b Institute of Integrated Subsoil Development RAS, 4, Kryukovsky St., Moscow 111200 Russia

c Yushkin Institute of Geology, Komi SC Ural RAS, Pervomaiskaya ul. 54, Syktyvkar, 167952 Russia

d Dubna University, Universititskaya ul. 19, Dubna, Moscow oblast, 141980 Russia


##e-mail: kotova@geo.komisc.ru

###e-mail: yak_oa@mail.ru

####e-mail: vera_fram@mail.ru

The mining complex has a considerably increased environmental impact on the environment. Volumes of ac- cumulated mining waste of mineral processing put on the agenda the need to involve them in recycling on the basis of fundamentally new technologies, integrated, environmentally friendly and economically feasible. Technogenic mineral raw materials, formed by waste of mining industries, has certain inherent features of mineral and/or phase composition, the nature of distribution of useful components, the real composition and structure, which determine the choice of directions of its secondary use and processing technologies. The objectives of the study of mineral matter from a position of technological mineralogy involves the identification of the morphological characteristics, grain composition, peculiarities of relations of minerals; mineral com- position, including quantitative determination of minerals (mineral phases), including detection and identification of occurrence modes of beneficial and harmful minerals and their associations, quantification of the real composition and structure of minerals, mineral aggregates, and their physical and physico-chemical (technological) properties. A deep study of the material composition, the form of finding useful and harmful components, the real chemical composition and structure of specific minerals, taking into account isomor- phic substitutions, polytypes, polymorphism is crucial to work out a rational, economically feasible, invest- ment-attractive technology for processing natural and technogeneous mineral matter.

Keywords: mine waste, recycling, applied mineralogy, materials science, testing, mineral composition

DOI: 10.31857/S0869780320010160


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