Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 3, P. 3-17


A. P. Khaustov1, M. M. Redina1, E. V. Yakovleva2

1Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6, Moscow, 117198 Russia. E-mail: khaustov_ap@rudn.university

2Institute of Biology, Komi Research Centre of RAS,
ul. Kommunisticheskaya, 28, Syktyvkar, GSP-2, 167982 Russia.

The unique underground water manifestations at the Kerch peninsula of Crimea are an interesting object for geochemical research. By the examples of a mud methane volcano, a hydrogen sulfide subthermal source, the Lake Chokrak, and the uprising fresh cold spring, the specifics of the formation of geochemical barriers in the aquatic systems is shown. The research was aimed at the assessment of the migration processes in the selected aquatic systems from the point of view of entropy of the systems and at the assessment of the role of geochemical barriers in the development of the studied systems. An original approach was used based on the data on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in various media, as well as on the calculation of their migration coefficients and the values of molecular entropies on geochemical barriers (GCB). The changes in entropy along the entire path of PAHs migration in the aquatic systems are traced. This allowed us to estimate the intensity of the interaction of structural elements in the system, their functions and diversity.

The specificity of the chemical types of groundwater has clearly affected the chains of interaction intensity in the system “water – contiguous media”. For the first time the sources of groundwater are considered as unique biogenerators of the formation (self-organization) of peculiar aquatic systems. This allowed us to substantiate a specific type of natural dissipative structures that develop with the participation of living matter from simple (aqueous solutions) to complex (for example, hydrophytes) with the production of entropy.

The selectivity of PAH accumulation by different plant parts was confirmed. The principal possibility of adsorption by the root system and further migration of not only low-molecular PAHs but also active movement from soils to plants of high-molecular polyarenes is shown. This allowed us to evaluate the root system of plants as a priority object for environmental monitoring.

The analysis of the entropy change dynamics in the aquatic system made it possible to justify the conclusion that a geochemical system cannot exist without geochemical barriers, and even more, barriers can be primary in relation to the formation of the holistic systems.

Keywords: aquatic system, geochemical barrier, entropy, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), underground water.


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