Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 3, P. 56-64


M. Yu. Semenov, I.I. Marinaite, L.P. Golobokova, O.I. Khuriganova

Limnological Institute of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (LIN SB RAS), Ulan-Batorskaya ul., 3, 664033 Irkutsk, Russia
E-mail: smu@mail.ru

The composition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in near-water air layer and surface water layer of Lake Baikal was investigated. The obtained compositions were compared to the PAH compositions of possible emission sources. It was shown that the PAH composition of each source is unique, thus the sources cannot be grouped by fuel type or by pyrogenic/petrogenic origin. According to the multivariate statistical analysis, the number of sources was equal to three both for near water air and surface water. To identify these sources, the mixing diagrams were drawn. The mixing diagrams pointed to oil and petroleum products as the common source for both environmental compartments. Besides the oil and petroleum products, the wood combustion and paper mills were also the sources of PAHs in the air. The other two sources of PAHs in water were oil and coal boilers. The contribution of identified sources to air and water pollution were calculated and mapped. The composition of PAHs in water is found to be controlled by remote nonpoint sources, whereas the composition of PAHs in air is due to local point sources.

Key words: Baikal, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, emission sources, water, aerosol, source contributions.


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