Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 3, P. 86-96


A.V. Shichkin, A.G. Buevich, A.P. Sergeev, E.M. Baglaeva, I.E. Subbotina

Institute of Industrial Ecology Ural Branch of RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia, ul. S. Kovalevskoi 20, Yekaterinburg, 620219 Russia

The work is devoted to the use of a hybrid model combining artificial neural networks (ANNs) and kriging to predict an anomalously distributed chromium (Cr). It is known that the combination of geostatistical interpolation approaches (kriging) and neural networks in the model leads to a better accuracy in forecasting and performance. Generalized regression neural networks (GRNN) and multi- layer perceptron (MLP) are classes of neural networks widely used for modeling in environmental studies. In this paper, we have compared two neural networks, i.e., GRNN and MLP, as well as two combined methods: GRNN with residual scoring (GRNNRK) and MLP with residual killing (MLPRK). The study is based on the actual data sets on surface contamination of soil in Novy Urengoy, Russia, with chromium obtained from earlier perfromed screening. The network structures were chosen during the computer modeling based on the minimization of RMSE. MLP and MLPRK showed the best prognostic accuracy in comparison with kriging, GRNN and GRNNRK.

Key words: hybrid models, artificial neural networks, chrome, residual kriging.


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