Geoekologiya, 2022, Vol. 3, P. 51-56
O. S. Khomchenko 1
1 Institute for Water and Environmental Problems, Far East Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Dikopol'tseva, 56, Khabarovsk, 680021 Russia
E-mail: homchenko.ru@mail.ru
The results are presented of the mercury content study in bottom sediment of small rivers within the Khabarovsk city and surroundings during 2021 spring-summer season. The temporal and spatial shifts in mercury content concentration are shown. These shifts are explained by the maturity and the level of agricultural use of water catchment areas. The research highlights the absence of any link between the visual level of water pollution and the mercury content in bottom sediments regardless the sediment nature. During the research period, the mercury content has changed a lot under the influence of a combination of natural and anthropogenic factors. The maximum concentrations of mercury registered for the Berezovaya River - 226 μg / kg (with an average value of 164 μg / kg) and that of Chernaya River - 168 μg / kg (with an average value of 144 μg / kg). These rivers both have natural runoff from the surrounding areas and receive wastewater from treatment facilities. The content of mercury in bottom sediments of the rivers draining underdeveloped areas is slightly lower than in soils of water protection zones. In the areas that drain well-developed territories, it increases by 2-4 times.
Keywords: mercury, sediment layers, small rivers, Khabarovsk
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