Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 5, P. 3-11


V. A. Gracheva,#, A. P. Pozdnyakovb,##, and I. I. Mugalevc,###

aCenter for Global Ecology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskiye gory 1, str. 51, Moscow, 119234 Russia bGubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Leninsky pr. 65, Moscow, 119296 Russia cOT-OIL JSC, ul. Generala Tyuleneva 4A, str.3, Moscow, 117465 Russia

 #E-mail: eco.moskvitina@mail.ru
##E-mail: app@geoinform.su
###E-mail: info@ot.ru

Based on the system analysis of the environmental policy of oil companies and their environmental rating, it is established that environmental management system, applied in almost all companies, has exhausted itself and does not allow assessing the real significance of a particular policy. Possession of certificates does not mean that all companies strictly observe environmental regulations. Environmental policy of large vertically oriented companies, such as Rosneft and LUKOIL, has a number of positive characteristic features. The principles of the Rosneft activity include the concept of balance of the Company’s and the Society’s interests in the environmental sphere, which is not the case with other companies. Characteristic feature of their environmental policy is innovativeness of environmental technologies. LUKOIL features a highly effective sys-tem of environmental monitoring. Its environmental policy is integrated into the Health, Safety and Environment Policy. Environmental policy of the so-called independent companies and the system of its implementation raise many questions, since it is reduced to obtaining a TUF certificate or other similar certificates, which almost all, even the most flagrant violators of environmental legislation, have in possession today. For all environmental policies it is proposed to use the concept of noospheric balances combining rational nature management and strict observance of the interests of citizens of our country in nature conservation. To ensure the unity and quality of oil companies’ environmental policies, it is necessary to adopt environmental policy of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and to build environmental policy in the whole system of the fuel and energy complex.

Key words: environmental policy, system analysis, oil company, industry


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