Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 5, P. 34-44


Yu. V. Cherniak*, A. A. Falaleeva**, A. V. Brouchkov***

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, 1, Moscow, 119991 Russia

*E-mail: yuchernyak@mail.ru 
**E-mail: falaleeva_arina@mail.ru
***E-mail: brouchkov@hotmail.com

Saline frozen rocks of the Arctic coast require detailed study, since these rocks are characterized by low bearing capacity and instability to technogenic impacts. Currently known methods of formation of salinity in permafrost due to the effects of marine transgression (marine salinity) and cryogenic concentration, as well as the concentration of salts due to dehydration of rocks (continental salinity), do not always make it possible to explain the presence of saline deposits on the Arctic coast of the Arctic Ocean. The purpose of this work is to present new mechanisms of salinity formation in permafrost that can explain the formation of salinization at significant altitudes above sea level. For the first time, possible hypotheses of the formation of saline frozen rocks at high altitudes above sea level are presented, due to the upsurge in sea level and tsunami in the recent geological past, the latest tectonics and biogenic salinization. The applied approach, taking into account the methods of salinization formation in rocks, allowed the authors to present graphically a new version of the map of the distribution of frozen saline rocks in the Northern Hemisphere. The boundary of the marine type of salinization was taken from the maximum boreal transgression, the boundary of the continental type of salinity was drawn by analyzing and comparing the map of atmospheric precipitation and the map of evaporation by isolating those areas where evaporation predominates over precipitation. A significant increase in the areas with marine and continental types of salinity in the Arctic coast of the Arctic Ocean is shown. For high-altitude regions, it has been established that the level of the maximal transgression in Quaternary age did not reach such high marks, besides, the climate of these sites is far from the continental one.

Keywords: salinity; permafrost; Arctic; tsunami; tectonics; microorganisms; marine transgression


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