Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 5, P. 87-93


A. V. Kuzin*, E. Kh. Gadel'shina, I. O. Borisov

Ural State Mining University, ul. Kuibysheva 30, Yekaterinburg, 620144 Russia

*E-mail: kuzin-av@mail.ru


The applicability and resolution of geophysical methods (electric prospecting, gravity prospecting, magnetic prospecting, seismic prospecting,  and radiometry) have been assessed for the study of prospectors' mining zones of gold-bearing beresite dykes and quartz veins. Electrical resistivity prospecting and shallow seismic prospecting appear to be the most effective in solving exploration problems. The search for prospector mine workings of the first meters in size within the gold-bearing bodies is possible, in case the depth of their occurrence does not exceed 2-3 times their cross-section. In this case, the measurement network should be comparable to the sizes of the bodies under study.

Key words: engineering geophysics, underworking zones 


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