Geoekologiya, 2019, Vol. 6, P. 65-78


© 2019 A. P. Chevychelov*, P. I. Sobakin**, A. N. Gorokhov***
Institute for Biological Problems in Cryolithozone,
Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences SB RAS, ul. Lenina 41, Yakutsk, 677980 Russia
*E-mail: chev.soil@list.ru,
**E-mail: radioecolog@yandex.ru,

This study aims at investigating the allocation conditions of rock dumps in the South zone located in the Elkon uranium mine region (the Southern Yakutia), and also at determining their radiation parameters as sources of technogenic contamination of the soil-vegetation cover and surface waters, and assessing the danger of these dumps for people. In this study, the generally accepted geographical methods were used, including comparative geographical and geochemical methods, as well as a combination of various radiometric research methods. The radiation parameters of the rock dumps of the South zone of the Elkon uranium mine region, the content and distribution of uranium, radium and radon in surface waters, as well as 238U content in technogenic soils at different distances from radioactive contamination sources were studied. It was found that the most active dumps, in terms of their radiation parameters, are located close to the radioactive ores, with the EDR of 1600-2150 μR/h, effective specific activity - 20441-23640 Bq/kg, and uranium content of 1637-1888 mg/kg. The ranking of the studied dumps according to the degree of radiation hazard showed that 12 out of 31 dumps (39%) belong to the safe category, 6 (19%) belong to the category of potentially dangerous, and 5 and 8 (16% and 26%) were classified as dangerous and very dangerous respectively. In the conditions of the mountainous terrain, cold and humid climate of the studied area, these rock dumps, which are unevenly spread in mountain and taiga landscapes over the area of about 500 km2, are the main source of radioactive contamination of soil and vegetation cover and surface waters. The maximum contents of uranium, radium and radon in the studied surface waters were 180×10-7 g/L, 4.7×10-12 g/L and 256.8 Bq/L respectively, which are 100, 8 and 198 times higher than their background concentrations in waters of natural landscapes. In the studied technogenic zones, a direct relationship was registered between the pollution intensity in surface water and that in the drained alluvial soils formed in the floodplains of these watercourses.

Keywords: rocks, soils, surface water, radiation parameters, industrial pollution, hazard ranking, territory rehabilitation.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31857/S0869-78092019665-78


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