Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 1, P. 21-34
V.S. Druzhinin, V.Yu. Osipov
Institute of Geophysics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IGF UB RAS) ul. Amundsen, 100, Yekaterinburg, 620016 Russia.
E-mail: druvs@mail.ru
For the first time on the base of volume fault-block tectonic model of the crystalline crust and the revealed peculiarities of seismicity of the Ural folded system and south-eastern part of the Volga-Ural anteclise, the schemes of seismotectonics were compiled, and seismic zoning and seismic hazard estimation were performed.
The main elements of the schemes are potential seismic-dangerous areas (PSDA). They are located, as a rule, at the intersections of deep faults and sublatitudinal dislocations; and they join nearby located tectonic seismic events similar by origin and trigger-induced by the character of their occurring. It is suggested to designate seismic events of this kind as tectonic trigger-induced earthquakes (TTIE). At the seismotectonics scheme several sublatitudinal sectors with each dimensions about 4° of northern latitude are plotted according to the features of the deep crustal structure and seismicity. Within latitudes 56°-60° N a single region is identified according to the seismic geodynamic situation (compression regime with a shear component), within which events can occur up to 5.0–5.5 magnitude and which represent seismic hazard. First of all, this refers to especially dangerous objects of capital construction; most of the designed and existing buildings and structures that do not fit to this category do not need the estimation and account the seismicity of the geological environment.
Key words: Earth crust, seismotectonics, seismicity, seismic zoning, potential seismic regions, tectonic trigger-induced earthquakes.
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