Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 1, P. 42-50
V.S. Putilina, T.I. Yuganova
Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Sciences Ulansky per. 13, str. 2, Moscow, 101000 Russia. E-mail: vputilina@yandex.ru
The change in oil composition upon its filtration through the soil and rocks is studied. Non-polar hydrocarbons of oil are adsorbed to a lesser extent than the resinous components, and non-polar hydrocarbons first enter the filtrate. The filtered oil becomes less dense, the degree of petroleum compounds cyclization decreases, and the number of carbon atoms in paraffin hydrocarbons increases. The content of naphthenic hydrocarbons increases, whereas that of aromatic hydrocarbons is reduced in the gasoline fraction of oil. Clay minerals do not filter a significant portion of resinous-asphaltenic components and aromatic hydrocarbons and retain them on the surface of their particles. The presence of montmorillonite and hydromicas in the rock promotes separation of aromatic and paraffinic structures. Oil compounds sorption mechanisms are characterized. The features of oil compounds penetrating to groundwater are described.
Key words: oil, oil product, migration, filtration, sorption, ground, rocks, groundwater.
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