Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 1, P. 67-71
O. N. D’yachkova#
St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering,
Vtoraya Krasnoarmeiskaya ul. 4, St. Petersburg, 190005 Russia
#E-mail: dyachkova_on@mail.ru
The subject of research deals with the concept of exploitation of natural resources for the urban environment in a dynamically developing metropolis. Research objectives involve identifying ways to reduce the negative impact of natural and anthropogenic soil pollution on the urban environment quality in St. Petersburg. The system analysis of scientific data and statistical reviews of relevant information on chemical pollution and the sanitary-hygienic condition of natural components in the urban environment of St. Petersburg were applied. The article presents an analytical review of the hygienic condition of soils, the issues of ensuring environmental safety of urban soil and adjacent natural components for urban environment. As a conclusion, it is required to regulate the necessity and sufficiency of a set of measures for the environmental safety of the natural components of urban environment of St. Petersburg, taking into account the deformations that particular ecosystems undergo as a result of human activities at various stages of nature management. The transition to a new higher level is possible on the basis of modern knowledge at any link in the organizational and technological chain.
Keywords: geoecology, safety, urban environment, soil, pollution, management
DOI: 10.31857/S0869780920010044
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