Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 1, P. 32-36


G. V. Kryzhanovskaya a,#, M. S. Bezuglova a,##,  I. S. Sharovaa,###
a Astrakhan State University,
Tatishcheva ul., 20a, Astrakhan, 414056 Russia

#E-mail: GalaJim@mail.ru
##E-mail: marinadenis@ya.ru
###E-mail: is_sharova@mail.ru

Astrakhan is located on eleven islands, which are connected by bridges. All intracity reservoirs of the city are used as local sources of water supply and recreational areas, and they have cognitive, historical and aesthetic value. Constantly increasing anthropogenic pressure on the water bodies of the city leads to deterioration of water quality, as a result of which they become unsuitable for some types of water use. This fact testifies to the importance of conducting a comprehensive geoecological study of the main watercourses of the city, as an important residential area. By the example of key watercourses, the change in hydrochemical characteristics of water due to both natural (climatic, hydrological) and anthropogenic (water management, recreational) factors is shown. The assessment of the geoecological state of watercourses as functioning aquatic landscape complexes is given. The use of aggregate monitoring methods in the study of water quality indicators of the studied water bodies is caused by the need to improve the system of these indicators and the management system, which allows the best way to organize the decision-making process at all levels in the water quality management system and systematically reduce the harmful effects on water bodies.

Keywords: geoecological state of watercourses, biotesting, chemical analysis

DOI: 10.31857/S086978092001007X


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