Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 1, P. 86-92
V. A. Kurochkinaa,# and I.Y. Yakovlevaa,##
a National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,
Yaroslavskoe shosse 26, Moscow, 129337 Russia
#E-mail: Kurochkina@mgsu.ru
##E-mail: YakovlevaIYU@mgsu.ru
The construction of the underground part of civil buildings and facilities does not take into account the seasonality of the work. Very often no protective measures are undertaken to prevent the possible freezing of foundation soils, which may later result in cracks in the load-bearing structures of buildings and facilities and may affect their bearing capacity. The article discusses the frost heaving of clay foundation soils by the example of a residential building in Moscow. Results of the actual geodetic executive survey, provided by the authors, confirm the appearance of significant vertical ground deformations in case the zero cycle technologies are violated. The article also describes the reasons for the appearance of such frost heaving on the basis of the analysis of average daily air temperatures during the construction of foundation structures. The measures for eliminating its consequences are proposed.
Keywords: soil base, clay soils, frost heaving, deformation
DOI: 10.31857/S0869780920010081
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