Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 1, P. 76-81
S. A. Laukhin#
Moscow State Geological Prospecting University,
ul. Miklukho-Maklay 23, Moscow, 117997 Russia
#E-mail: valvolgina@mail.ru
The mining and industrial complex of the Russian Arctic provides production of 60–96% non-ferrous and precious metals, mining of 80% gas and 60% oil in Russia. Mining of mineral deposits in the Russian Arctic began in different time: somewhere, in 1930s, somewhere in 1950s, or later. There is a tendency to relate the ecological damage accumulated for more than 80 years with the subsoil use. It is shown that accumulated ecological damage (AED) in Russian Arctic is related to subsoil only partially. The main part of the damage is due to the actions defense supply on the northern boundaries of Russia, metallurgic and other industries, servicing of Northern Marine Way, etc. It is also shown that in different regions the AED volume is different. Situation with AED is especially discussed for the Eastern Arctic (to east from the Yenisei River). It was shown that the general ecological situation is not catastrophic in these regions. The conclusion was made that shortening AED in the Russian Arctic is the common affair of all people.
Keywords: Russian Arctic, subsoil use, accumulated ecological damage
DOI: 10.31857/S0869780920010093
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