Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 1, P. 12-17


A. A. Lavrusevich#
National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering,
Yaroslavskoe shosse, 26, Moscow, 129337 Russia
#E-mail: lavrusevich@yandex.ru

The article elucidates the main problem of the modern and future existence of a Man (Anthropos) and Society in the global ecosystem transformed by technology, i.e., the technosphere. The emerging problem is associated with technogenesis and its place in the megasystem: man-society-technology-environment. Human society unarmed with technology occurs in harmony with the environment. It is shown that the problem arises when human-driven equipment affects the environment. Today, the biosphere degenerates into the technosphere, in which technology largely replaces man and resists nature, instead of being transformed into a harmonious noosphere. The study of the natural environment, in connection with its technogenic changes, is carried out by geoecology - an integrated science that studies the problem of human survival at the present stage of the society development.

Keywords: biosphere, nature, environment, humanity, technology, technogenesis, technosphere, geoecology

DOI: 10.31857/S086978092001010X


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