Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 1, P. 72-75


D. V. Zelentsova,# and K. L. Chertesa,##

a Samara State Technical University,
Molodogvardeyskaya ul., 244, Samara, 443100, Russia
#E-mail: dvzelentsov@mail.ru
##E-mail: chertes2007@yandex.ru

A promising technology is considered that allows minimizing the negative impact of the accumulated arrays of heterophase waste by applying the processes of accelerated mineralization of organics that are part of these wastes. The task is set of transforming geoenvironment disturbed by human activities through the creation of new artificial geoenvironment on their basis and the restoration of disturbed natural geoenvironment using engineering methods. The most promising way to accelerate the process of reducing the harmful effects of disturbed geological environment is the use of gas contact technologies, including such a process as aeration. In the framework of the study, the main parameters of geoenvironment that influence the state of the gas flow, which must be taken into account when implementing a particular gas contact technology, are identified and studied. The technology of gas flow control is shown, an example of which are complexes of biothermal treatment of oil-contaminated soils. The main element of such a complex is the combined aeration system, which is necessary to increase the rate of biochemical decomposition of hardly decomposable hydrocarbons in oil waste. The analysis showed that to reduce the dependence on the conduct of physical experiments, it is necessary to use a preliminary estimate of the waste arrays using multivariate data processing methods. The design of biothermal treatment complexes for oil-contaminated soils has shown the promise and feasibility of practical implementation of gas flow control technology in a heterophase medium.

Keywords: geoenvironment, heterophase waste, gas contact technology, aeration

DOI: 10.31857/S0869780920010226


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