Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 2, P. 3-14
B.A. Burov, V.A. Luchin, A.I. Obzhirov and A.A. Karnaukhov
Il′ichev Pacific Oceanologic Institute, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Baltiiskaya 43, Vladivostok, 690041 Russia e-mail: burov@poi.dvo.ru
The paper presents estimates of methane fluxes emanated to water because of methane hydrate dissociation induced by the trend to water warming in the Strait of Tartary. These estimates are based on the measured depth of methane hydrate occurrence in sediments, hydrological measurements made just after the cores with methane hydrates were lifted up, and calculated trends to water temperature variation in a number of water horizons in the Strait of Tartary, where methane hydrates were found. It is shown that methane, which is produced by the methane hydrate degradation, is the main source of anomaly high methane concentrations in water column and methane fluxes to the atmosphere in this region. The source of the methane ecological hazard in the eastern region of the Strait of Tartary is localized in the narrow band of bottom sediments within the depth interval of 300–330 m extending for about of 150 km in the longitudinal direction. The methane flux from the bottom sediments to the water layer in this zone is about 0.17 mol/m2day. The response of methane hydrate to sea water warming may be described as the thickness of sediment layer with dissociated methane hydrates which corresponding to 0.1 °C water temperature growth. In the Strait of Tartary area under research this characteristic has a value between 1.5 and 1.8 м/0.1 °C.
Key words: methane hydrate stability zone; conditions of methane hydrate growth and dissociation; trend of sea water warming; heat flux.
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