Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 2, P. 30-40
B.I. Korolev*, A.B. Lisenkov**
*Federal State Budgetary Institution “Gidrospetzgeologia”, ul. Marshala Rybalko 4, Moscow, 123060 Russia.
E-mail: korolyev@mail.ru
**Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, ul. Miklukho-Maklaya 23, Moscow, 117997 Russia.
E-mail: lisenkov.rsgpu@mail.ru
The article presents comparative natural conditions of forming mineral groundwater of chloride-hydro-carbonate composition with a salinity of 7–14 g/dm3 at the Essentuki and Naguta deposits. The compar-ison is made on the basis of information analysis allowing us to allocate the informative indications de-scribing the geological environment within the boundaries of the studied objects, and have the greatest impact on the formation of the output parameters Yi . The output parameters (Yi ) are used that char-acterize the mineral water of chloride-hydrocarbonate composition with a salinity of 7–14 g/dm3 and also those that characterize the content of free carbon dioxide in groundwater of targeted hydrogeologi-cal units in the Essentuki and Naguta deposits. By the results of research the similarities and differenc-es are revealed in the formation of mineral chloride-hydrocarbonate water with a salinity of 7–14 g/dm3 in the Essentuki and Naguta deposits; and the possible areas of the receipt of the target carbon dioxide in the hydrogeological units are identified. The assumption is made about the low rate of replenishment of pure mineral groundwater of Essentuki type in the upper Cretaceous aquifer, lagging behind the rate of water production of this aquifer.
Key words: information analysis, mineral groundwater, Essentuki deposit, Naguta deposit, conditions of formation, informative, information model.
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