Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 2, P. 41-50
A.A. Malovichko*, M.V. Kolomiets*, A.I. Ruzaykin**
*Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Lenina 189, Obninsk, Kaluga oblast, 249035 Russia.
E-mail: amal@gsras.ru; kolmar@gsras.ru **Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences ul. Bol’shaya Gruzinskaya 10, Moscow, 123995 Russia. E-mail: a.ruzaykin@yandex.ru
The paper provides the results on seismicity monitoring for the main Russian regions in 2016, i.e., the Western and Eastern Caucasus; the East European Platform, the Urals and the West Siberia; the Arctic Basin; Altai and Sayan Mountains; Lake Baikal, Cis- and TransBaikal regions; Priamur’e and Primor’e; the Sakhalin Island; Kuril-Okhotsk region; Yakutia, North-East Region of Russia and Chukotka, Kamchatka and Komandor Islands. Catalogs of the most significant earthquakes are provided for each region with the parameters of hypocenters, magnitudes received according to tool supervision. Manifestation of macroseismic effect from the majority of the notable earthquakes (with I ≥ 2,5–3 points on MSK-64 scale) which occurred in the territory of Russia is analyzed. This work is intended for seismologists, geophysicists, geologists and specialists in earthquake-resistive construction.
Key words: seismic station, seismicity monitoring, magnitudes, macroseismic effect.
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