Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 2, P. 86-94


V.G . Zaikanov, T.B . Minakova, L.A . Matveeva, I.S . Savisko

Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS (IEG RAS) Ulansky per., 13, bld. 2, Moscow, 101000 Russia.

E-mail: v.zaikanov@mail.ru, yasenevo312@mail.ru

Optimal planning for territory development requires data on geoecological restrictions. Special atten-tion should be paid to those that may cause an emergency. As an example, flooding can lead to significant property and environmental damage. This is particularly true for urban areas. In this paper, we propose a method for assessing the restriction risk associated with flooding in two areas: real seasonal flooding of the Dalnerechensk city district (Primorsky region) and hypothetical technogenic accident (dam failure) on a hydraulic engineering structure in the Desnogorsk city district (Smolensk region). The results of dynam-ic risk assessment, with and without flooding, are presented. In certain circumstances, an operating unit of assessment and zoning falls within different flood zones. This makes it necessary to subdivide the ex-isting urban geo-systems into smaller units, which leads to an increase in their total number. For seasonal flooding, the estimation is similar for other geoecological restrictions. For accidental flood, the probabili-ty of the expected damage is estimated on a case-by-case basis for each urban geo-system. For instance, we show that higher risk must be assigned to flooding caused by dam failure accidents. However, these values of risk are not catastrophic, as most areas affected by potential dam failures are not heavily populated. We show that, in certain areas, some inconsistency may exist between the risk code reported in the quarterly structure of land-tenure and natural features and such risks might increased by 1–3 levels. This leads both to leveling of differences in land-use regime and distorted assessment of risk of geoecological restrictions.

We demonstrate how a certain area might be affected by a change in the associated geoecological restric-tions. Overall, the paper confirms the importance of basing the methodology of urban area zoning on geo-ecological principles and restrictions associated with urban geo-systems as operational units.

Key words: geoecology, geocological zoning, geoecological restrictions, urban geosystems, urban planning.


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