Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 3, P. 77-85
V.K. Laperdin
Institute of the Earth’s Crust, Siberian branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Lermontova 128, Irkutsk, 664033 Russia. Е-mail: Laperdin@crust.irk.ru
The study material is based on long-term (within 50 years) stationary observations and field studies that make it possible to reveal the possible disaster development on the southwestern shore of Lake Baikal. A disaster may occur as a result of possible overflow of the Baykalsk Pulp and Paper Mill storage cards with debris flow and water currents, as well as a result of immersion of highly toxic material into the lake, by lowering of the Utulik-Solsan depression due to seismotectonic disturbances of the earth’s crust. The aim of the work is to anticipate a possible disaster, minimize destruction of the infrastructure, but the main thing is to prevent the lignin-containing wastes of the Baykalsk pulp and paper mill from getting into Lake Baikal by proper selection of protective structures against flood, debris flow and seismogenic risks.
The paper suggests two options for protecting waste storage facilities - a free but controlled intrusion of debris flow into the lake; - transportation of lignin-containing wastes through a pipeline outside the Baikal basin, and subsequently the same pipe would be used to pump liquid domestic sewage from the southwestern shore of the lake.
Homogenization and waste disposal on the lake shore in the risk zone will create an ecological time-lag for many centuries for the population, tourists and the nature of Lake Baikal, even by grading the waste into the fourth hazard class. In the Republic of Buryatia and the Irkutsk region in the places of formation of socio- economic and tourist clusters, we propose to create pipeline systems for the removal of liquid waste outside the Baikal basin. To mitigate the tension of a possible ecological disaster, only implementation of measures on removing waste from the Baykalsk Pulp and Paper mill and liquid domestic sewage outside the Lake Baikal basin will allow to prevent economic, environmental and social hazards, increase the attractiveness of the territory and successfully develop the tourism sector.
Key words: urban dust (PM5 fraction), 87Sr/86Sr ratio, mineral composition of solid particulate matter.
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