Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 3, P. 18-26
T.B. Minakova, V.G. Zaikanov
Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS (IEG RAS)
Ulansky per. 13, bld. 2, Moscow, 101000 Russia
E-mail: v.zaikanov@mail.ru, yasenevo312@mail.ru
Providing geoecological safety of urban areas is important due to increased urbanization. However, possible environmental challenges have a small part in the development strategies of the Russian Federation in the next 10–15 years, but the issue of environmental problems is completely absent. At the same time, most cities are characterized by pollution of natural components and such negative processes as flooding, intensification of karst, damage to the groundwater regime, etc., leading to deformation and destruction of buildings and structures. It is necessary to develop actual methodological and normative-legal base in order to avoid the consequences of these processes. Methodology of geoenvironmental assessment of territories and methodology of zoning of the urban areas based on geological restrictions developed and tested in IEG RAS. The implementation of these methods in the practice of planning and design of urban space will contribute to maintaining the safe functioning of cities and environmental management. The article outlines the main research tasks for the near future aimed at ensuring the safety of urban areas, including the development of the General concept of geoecological safety of the city and the relevant legal and regulatory documents.
Key words: geological safety, urban areas, geoecological problems of cities, legal and regulatory documents to ensure the safety of the city.
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