Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 3, P. 65-71
А.А. Yastrebov*, Yu.A. Mamaev*, Yu.K. Ivanov**
*Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulanskii per., 13, str. 2, Moscow, 101000 Russia. E-mail: yaa-80@mail.ru **Zavaritsky Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. akademika Vonsovskogo, 15, Yekaterinburg, 620016 Russia. E-mail: ivanovuk@igg.uran.ru
The paper scrutinizes the current hydrogeochemical conditions of the above-salt massif in the Solikamsk region located in the northern part of Verkhnekamskoe potassium salt deposit, Perm krai. The complex geological structure in the studied region as well as in the entire territory of Verkhnekamskoe potassium salt deposit located in the centre of Solikamsk depression along with the intense development of mineral resources (including hydrocarbons and groundwater) induce hazardous geological processes (some- times disastrous) there, above all, surface deformations and collapses. The major collapse that occurred at the undermined territory in 2014 should be noted. In addition, intense technogenic load affects potable groundwater resulting in its pollution and depletion.
Fresh groundwater as the important mineral resource is essential for providing adequate living standards of population. The increasing water consumption along with the spatial variability of groundwater quality in the terrigenous carbonate massif results in the depletion of fresh potable groundwater reserves.
Proceeding from the revealed spatial regularities in the distribution of different chemical types of groundwater in the terrigenous carbonate massif, the authors have performed the preliminary zoning of the studied area by the chemical composition and contamination degree of groundwater. Mass flows of the principal chemical elements in groundwater are assessed in the places of technogenic contamination.
Key words: groundwater, above-salt massif, mineralization, specific mass flows, technogenesis.
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