Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 3, P. 27-35


V.P. Zverev, I.A. Kostikova

Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience Russian Academy of Sciences (IEG RAS),
Ulansky per.13, str.2, P.O. Box 145, Moscow, 101000 Russia. E-mail: kostikova@geoenv.ru

The intensity of soluble rock leaching, which determines the development of karst process, was studied both for a planetary scale and for regional and local cases. The determination of rock mass that passes into the natural water solution and to be removed by the groundwater per unit square of rock is proved to be the only direct method of assessing the speed of modern karst process. For all major types of soluble rocks (carbonates, sulfates, chlorides) we revealed that leaching rate increases from the global level to regional and local levels. For carbonate rocks, the leaching rate increases by three orders of magnitude (from 0.17 to 3.65 g/s∙km2); for sulfate rocks, by three orders of magnitude (from 0.072 to 25.6 g/s∙km2), and for chlorides, by four orders of magnitude (from 0.061 to 225.0 g/ s∙km2). The increase in the dissolution of rocks due to human activities is mainly caused by the disturbance of the natural hydraulic ground flow regime.

Keywords: karst, groundwater, leaching intensity, solubility, rock formation, carbonate minerals, sulfate minerals, rock salt, influence of human activities, planetary scale, regional scale, local scale.


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