Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 3, P. 74-81
L. M. Kondratievaa, Z. N. Litvinenkoa,b,#, and G. M. Filippovaa
a Institute of Water and Ecology Problems, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Dikopoltseva, 56, Khabarovsk,
680000 Russia
b Far Eastern State Transport University, ul. Serysheva, 47, Khabarovsk, 680021 Russia
#E-mail: zoyalitvinenko@gmail.com
The results are presented on water quality study in the Bureya Reservoir after a major landslide in December 2018. The comparative analysis of the changes in the qualitative composition of volatile organic substances in the water around the landslide body before and after blasting works and in the artificial cannel was carried out using the gas chromatography method. In the water samples, among the dominant components, methanol and methylated benzene derivatives were found; their concentration increased after water drainage through the landslide body. By the example of water extracts fromrocks and soil, it is shown that many compounds are of natural origin. Some compounds (hexane, acetone, methanol, acetates, and xylenes) can act as intermediates during the transformation of plant residues, as well as the interrelated processes of methanogenesis and methanonotrophy. Interaction of water with rocks, the migration of organic substances from the pore space and their involvement in biogeochemical processes are the main factors of the water quality formation in the Bureya reservoir after a great landslide.
Keywords: ecological risk, reservoir, landslide, volatile organic substances
DOI: 10.31857/S0869780920030030
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