Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 3, P. 3-22


V. G. Rumynina,b,#, L. N. Sindalovskiia,b, А. А. Shvartsa,b, А. M. Nikulenkova,b, V. А. Erzovac,##, and D. V. Butyrina,b

a St. Petersburg Division, Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience Russian Academy of Sciences,
Srednii pr., 41, St. Petersburg, 199004 Russia

b St. Petersburg State University, Institute for Earth Sciences, Srednii pr., 41, St. Petersburg, 199004 Russia
c St. Petersburg Mining Institute, V.O., 21st Line, 2, St. Petersburg, 199121 Russia

#E-mail: office@hgepro.ru
##E-mail: valentina.valya-06@yandex.ru

The principles of schematization of hydrological and hydrogeological conditions and processes of surface and subsurface radionuclide transport are being developed when analyzing the consequences of radioactive emis­sions on nuclear power plants (during their normal operation and during accidents) on the water resources of adjacent territories. A numerical and analytical models of radionuclide transport with lumped parameters (basin type) is proposed, taking into account the generation of surface runoff, its interaction with soil and groundwater. The numerical curve method (USDA, 1986) is integrated into the model, which allows one to use an extensive empirical data base for selecting screening parameters for forecasts under conditions of a se­vere deficiencies in field information. Several examples are considered that illustrate the physical features of the simulated process, as well as the model's capabilities as applied to assessing the impact of nuclear power plant emissions on the radioactive pollution of water resources at one of the designed facilities of the “Rosatom” State Corporation.

Keywords: NPP, fission products (FP), emission, normal operation, accident emission, hydraulogical and hydro­geological model, prediction of radionuclide transport

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31857/S0869780920030091


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