Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 3, P. 88-94
B. V. Dampilova1,*, S. G. Doroshkevich1,**, O. K. Smirnova1,***,
P. S. Fedotov2,****
1Geological Institute, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
ul. Sakh'yanovoi, 6a, Ulan-Ude, 670047 Russia
2Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical
Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences,
ul. Kosygina, 19, Moscow, 670047 Russia
*E-mail: bdampilova@geo.stbur.ru
**E-mail: dorosh@ginst.ru
***E-mail: meta@ginst.ru
****E-mail: fedotov_ps@mail.ru
Samples of soils exposed to long-term impact of acid mine waters were studied. The gross content of elements in the samples exceeds the maximum permissible concentrations and varies within wide limits: for lead - from 26.4 to 638 mg/kg, for copper - from 121 to 2266 mg/kg, for cadmium - from 6.7 to 50.6 mg/kg. Zinc, cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, manganese, and molybdenum forms were extracted in a dynamic mode in microcolumns according to a five-stage fractionation scheme, with the release of exchangeable/water-soluble, acid-soluble, easily reducible, easily oxidizable and hardly reducable forms. Microcolumns made of fluoroplastic consist of three main parts, i.e., a central container for the sample and two caps with holes for pumping the reagent. To prevent the removal of samples from the microcolumn, membrane filters with a pore size of 0.8 μm were used. The correspondence of the total content of elements in the extractable and residual fractions to their gross content indicates the absence of sample losses during extraction in microcolumns. Elution curves of elements were constructed for the most mobile and, therefore, biologically available fractions. It has been shown that for the effective extraction of exchangeable/water-soluble forms of elements, 60 ml of eluent is required, and for acid-soluble forms - 120 ml. A high content of zinc, manganese, lead and cadmium is revealed occurring in an exchangeable/water-soluble form. The average amount of zinc in this fraction reaches 47.8%, manganese - 36.4%, lead - 25.8% of the total content. The average content of molybdenum in the exchangeable/water-soluble fraction is 8.7%. The content of mobile forms of elements exceeds the corresponding MPCs for soils several times: lead up to 5, nickel up to 9, copper up to 12, zinc up to 23. Consequently, these elements in the studied soils pose hazard to the environment.
Keywords: fractionation, microcolumns, elution curves, heavy metals, technogenically contaminated soils
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