Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 3, P. 3-18
S. A. Nesmeyanov, O. A. Voeykova*
Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS,
Ulanskii per., 13, str. 2, Moscow, 101000 Russia
*Е-mail: voa49@mail.ru
The conjunction between the Greater Caucasus megavault and the Black Sea megadepression was previously interpreted as a subduction zone, a thrust, steep flexure, and a flexure-fault zone. Interpretation of the development history of these two conjugated megastructures should be based on the detailed geological-geophysical and geomorphological data. The orotectonic analysis permitted us to distinguish between the early and late orogenic southwestern boundaries of the megavault. The early orogenic megavault side of the Greater Caucasus includes its boundary with the Tuapse foredeep filled with the Oligocene-Miocene deposits of the Maikopian Series. At the late orogenic stage, a significant part of the western periphery of the megavault sank and the Adler Depression rose. At the early orogenic stage, this depression was the eastern part of the Tuapse foredeep. The neostructural zoning of the modern shelf is suggested, showing a lower differentiation of block structures than the coastal parts of the megavault. The border between the modern shelf and the Tuapse foredeep is a fragment of the South Crimean-Caucasian flexural-discontinuous suture zone. Late orogenic subsidence of the megavault part indicates the taphrogenic effect of the expanding Black Sea megadepression on the Greater Caucasus orogen. In the Quaternary period, this effect was manifested in the activation of superimposed, mainly transverse grabens.
Keywords: megavault, megadepression, orogen, shelf, foredeep, graben, overthrust, flexure-fault zone, neotectonic stage, early orogenic and late orogenic stages, orotectonic method
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