Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 3, P. 79-87
Е. Yu. Pasechnik1,*, О. G. Savichev1,**, V.A. Domarenko1,***, N.G. Nalivaiko1,****,
О.Yu. Goncharov2,*****, N.А. Brovchenko1,******, О.N. Vladimirova1,*******
1National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Engineering school for natural resources,
pr. Lenina, 30, Tomsk, 634050 Russia
2Tomskvodokanal Public Co., ul. Shevchenko, 41а, Tomsk, 634021 Russia
*E-mail: paseyu@yandex.ru
**E-mail: osavichev@mail.ru
***E-mail: viktor_domarenko@mail.ru
****E-mail: nng@tpu.ru
*****E-mail: goncharov@vodokanal.tomsk.ru
******E-mail: beutiful54@mail.ru
*******E-mail: onv-2018@yandex.ru
A complex of field, laboratory (using ICP MS, powder X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy and microbiological analysis), and office research in revealing the matter composition distribution in bottom sediments and water of the Kislovka River near the city of Tomsk (Western Siberia, Kislovka - Tom - Ob river system) in the winter low-water period of 2020. It was found out that the maximal content of N and P compounds were confined to the places of domestic wastewater discharge; the maximal content of rare-earth elements were confined to the relatively recently built-up areas of the catchment area, where the territory was backfilled with foreign soil; Fe and P compounds occur in the area of wastewater discharge from the iron removal station of the Tomsk underground water intake. The influence of the effluent discharge from the iron removal station of the Tomsk underground water intake can be traced in a section about 1 kilometer downstream of the discharge; and it decreases significantly within 5–6 kilometers downstream.
Keywords: chemical, microbiological and mineral composition, bottom sediments, river water, Kislovka River, Tomsk, Western Siberia
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