Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 3, P. 52-68
A.E. Rybalko1,2,3*, M. S. Zakharov1,**, V. A. Shcherbakov1,***, A. V. Loktev1,3****
1Gramberg All-Russian Research Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean (FSBI “VNIIOkeangeologia”), Angliyskiy pr. 1,
St. Petersburg, 190121 Russia
2Institute of Earth Sciences, St. Petersburg State University V.O.10th line 31-33,
St. Petersburg, 190000, Russia
3Center for Marine Research, Lomonosov Moscow State University Lenininskie Gory 1, bld. 77,
Moscow, 119992 Russia
*E-mail: alek-rybalko@yandex.ru
**E-mail: zhmike@mail.ru
***E-mail: victor-shcherbakov@mail.ru
**** E-mail: andreiloktev@gmail.com
This paper reviews methodical principles of engineering geological zoning and scale taxonomic units of zoning, analyzes the main factors determining the engineering geological environment in various parts of the Arctic shelf, presents a schematic map of engineering geological zoning of the Russian Arctic shelf on scale 1:15 000 000. The generalizing characteristics of engineering geological condition within the selected areas are given.
Keywords: engineering geological zoning, Arctic shelf, engineering geological region, area, district, historical and genetic justification of zoning, taxonomy and typology of engineering geological conditions.
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