Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 3, P. 29-43
P. Yu. Semkina*, P. Ya. Tishchenkoa, A. N. Charkina, G. Yu. Pavlovaa, E. V. Anisimovaa, Yu. A. Barabanshchikova, T. A. Mikhailika,b, E. Yu. Tibenkoa, P. P. Tishchenkoa, M. G. Shvetsovaa, E. M. Shkirnikovaa
aIl'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
ul. Baltiiskaya, 43, Vladivostok, 690041 Russia
bSt. Petersburg branch, VNIRO (GosNIORKH named after L.S. Berg) nab. Makarova, 26, St. Petersburg, 199053 Russia
* E-mail: pahno@list.ru
Geochemical, hydrological and hydrochemical studies of the water in the Razdolnaya River Estuary and the upper aquifer were made in the ice covered period of 2020. Submarine groundwater (SGD) was discovered on the basis of the activity of radionuclides 224Ra at a distance of 22 km from the mouth river bar. In the groundwater and in the SGD region of estuary, the isotopic composition of water δ18O and δD and the ratio of major ions of water were similar of the sea water. The direct current with a velocity of up to 15 cm/s predominates. High activity of 224Ra in the range of 11.1 ± 0.1 to 2.2 ± 0.05 Bq/m3 and a height water temperature – plus 1.1°C in the bottom layer of the estuary indicate the flow of the saline water from the SGD area to the Amursky Bay. According to the measurements performed in 2014, the temperature increased to 2.5°C in the area of SGD influence during the winter season. The ice thickness decreased along the mixing zone to 20 cm (the ice thickness outside the mixing zone was 90 cm). A decrease in the oxygen saturation and a response in the ratios of the main nutrients were observed in the SGD area of the Razdolnaya Estuary. The main reason for SGD is the intrusion of sea water into the uppermost aquifer and its infiltration through sediments in the reach of river.
Keywords: 224Ra, δ18O and δD isotopes, submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), estuary, mixing zone, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, major ions of water
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