Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 4, P. 75-85
O. A. Limantsevaa,#, B. N. Ryzhenkoa, and E. V. Cherkasovaa
aVernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academу of Sciences, ul. Kosygina 19, Moscow, 119991 Russia
#E-mail: wri-lab@geokhi.ru
The research subject is Usinskoe manganese deposit. The research goal is the study of hydrogeochemical pro-cesses at the deposit. The research is performed by computer simulation of the equilibrated water-rock-gases system for assessing the aqueous manganese toxicity and its negative effect on human health. The dissolved manganese oxidation and aqueous form enrichment will take place upon the deposit mining. By analysis of geological and hydrogeological situations on the Usinskoe deposit, the physics and chemistry simulation pa-rameters are chosen. The simulation is done using the HCh Code developed by Yu.V. Shvarov, Lomonosov MSU. The following results are obtained: the aqueous manganese concentration in surroundings goes up when water exchange decreases. The current distraction of ore minerals at the Usinskoe deposit leads to the environment contamination. The slowing down water exchange results in an increase of the dissolved com-ponents. The deposit mining will stop the deposit distraction and the environment contamination.
Key words: manganese ore deposit, groundwater contamination, thermodynamic simulation, hydrogeochemical system, forecast
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