Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 4, P. 3-11
A. S. Victorova,# and A. L. Dorozhkoa
aSergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Ulanskii per. 13, str.2, Moscow, 101000 Russia
#E-mail: vic_as@mail.ru
Some types of landscapes develop under the impact of exogenous processes, combining opposite trends of development; this may result in cyclic change of a landscape, which put a special imprint on the possibility of current processes indication as well as process monitoring. The work deals with cycling development of landscapes under the impact of exogenous geological processes (EGP) based on modeling. The processes of land unit change characterized by a repeating sequence of changes are called cyclic processes. This process is not actually strictly periodic, but it has got some traces of periodicity. The problem is studied for the forming al-luvial plains and landscapes with wide development of the complex cyclic process. A complex cyclic process is a cyclic process, which is activated by two groups of factors: local factors, influencing on certain sites and global ones, acting within the whole area (landslides, snow avalanches, etc.). As a whole, the conducted re-search allows us to draw a number of essential conclusions. Exogenous processes can lead to cyclical changes in the landscape of the territory. A cyclic change of the territory leads to a state of dynamic balance, charac-terized by the specific laws depending on the genetic type of the territory. Quantitative characteristics of the morphological pattern for a territory with a cyclic change can get indication data about dynamic parameters of current exogenous geological processes. A model of a landscape with the complex cyclic process is done on the basis of Markov chains with a countable number of states.
Key words: mathematical morphology of landscape, exogenous processes, cyclic processes, Markov chains, dynamic balance in morphological structures, modeling of morphological structures
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