Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 5, P. 53-65


I. V. Kozliakovaa, O. N. Ereminaa,#, and O.K. Mironova

aSergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulanskii per. 13, str. 2, Moscow, 101000 Russia

#E-mail: sci-council@geoenv.ru

The paper scrutinizes the approaches to geological risk assessment in urban areas. On the basis of assessing risk of economic losses produced by the impact of exogenous geological hazards in Moscow, it is proved that such an assessment should be performed separately for the entire city territory with already existing urban infrastructure and for the planned objects of urban engineering construction. The developed mapping procedures to a scale (1 : 100000–1 : 50000) are based on the qualitative comparative assessment of geological risk to be applied at the early stage of engineering geological survey. It is shown that for the city territory with the existing urban infrastructure, the main aim of mapping geological risk is distinguishing of areas that require special requirements to the engineering survey as well as imposing certain land-use constrains. For the particular objects of urban construction, the risk maps permit comparing the alternative variants of project solutions from the viewpoint of minimizing economic losses from geological hazards upon the construction and operation of buildings and engineering structures.

Key words: urban areas, geological risk assessment, exogenous geological hazards, engineering geological map-ping, urban spatial planning


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