Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 5, P. 12-19
V. M. Makeeva,#, N. V. Makarovab,##, A. L. Benedikc,###, I. V. Galitskayaa, S. V. Kozlovskiia, and N. A. Gridnevc
aSergeev Institute of Environmental Geosience, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulanskii per. 13, str. 2, Moscow, 101000, Russia
bGeological Faculty, Moscow State University, Vorob’evy gory 1, Moscow, 119899 Russia c“PK GEOSFERA” Ltd., ul. Lesnaya 1v, Zhitnevo district, Domodedovo, Moscow oblast, 142046 Russia
#E-mail: vmakeev@mail.ru
##E-mail: vladim-makarov@yandex.ru
###E-mail: geosfera2@mail.ru
The paper characterizes neotectonic dislocations (the structure) of plains in the Crimea that are expressed in consedimental and postsedimental uplifts and depressions, as well as in linear and isometric landforms. Ne-otectonic structures, constantly developing in platforms, are represented by flexures and faults. They are po-tential inclosing media of middle Sarmatian-Pontian fresh groundwater. The formation of the increased freshwater reserves, the depth of their occurrence and a possible increase in their salinity due to water intake depend on the type of neotectonic structures and modern geodynamic conditions. According to the marine Miocene-Pliocene sediments and their deformations, partly expressed in uplifts and depressions in the Qua-ternary terrain, neotectonic zoning of the territory of the plains of the Crimea was performed for the first time. Proceeding from this zoning, we may identify the most perspective sites for prospecting and exploration of groundwater deposits and undertake measures for their conservation and rational use.
Key words: syncline, anticline, uplifts, depressions, faults, lineaments, blocks, freshwater, water salinization, environmental issues
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