Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 5, P. 87-96
A. S. Victorova,#, T. V. Orlova, V. N. Kapralovaa, and A. L. Dorozhkoa
aSergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulanskii per.13, bld.2, Moscow, 101000 Russia
#E-mail: vic_as@mail.ru
The research deals with thermokarst developing within the band adjacent to a linear engineering structure and it does not take into account the processes developing under a engineering structure due to its thermal impact. The theoretical modeling uses the approach of the mathematical morphology of landscape based on the random process theory. The performed research has resulted in the model of triggered thermokarst devel-opment within the zone adjacent to a linear structure (a linear version and a zone version); empirical testing of the models was also done. Thus the distribution laws of triggered thermokarst depressions for a linear struc-ture are substantiated theoretically and verified empirically including the exponential distribution of lengths between projections of the centers of thermokarst depressions to the linear structure and lognormal distribu-tion of depression areas. The linear version of the model is easy to transfer to the thermokarst foci, formed directly under the linear structure. Empirical testing is done for a number of key sites of East Siberia such as Amga 1, Amga 3, Diring, Central Yakutian and Southern Yakutian sites (VSTO 1, VSTO 2).
Key words: mathematical morphology of landscape, thermokarst process, initiated thermokarst, linear engineering structure, modeling
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