Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 6, P. 21-30
L. M. Kondratyevaa, D. V. Andreevaa,#, and A. S. Utkinaa
aInstitute of Water and Ecology Problems, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Dikopol’tseva 56, Khabarovsk, 680000 Russia
#E-mail: freckles2008@yandex.ru
The influence of environmental factors on the formation of groundwater quality in the Tunguska (Khabarovsk region) field in the river bank filtration zone using chromatographic mass spectrometry, gas chromatography and microbiological methods is considered. In the spring period, low molecular weight ar-omatic hydrocarbons, phthalates, dibutyl sebacate, di-isooctyl adipate and steroids have been identified throughout the aquifer. In 2013 after the historic flooding, in the Amur River basin during long flooding of the floodplain and as a result of river bank filtration in groundwater, an increase in the diversity of compo-nents of plant genesis, including cobs, organic acids and low-molecular hydrocarbons, was noted. Among the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the post-flood period, phenanthrene, naphthalene and phenyl-1-naph-thalenamine dominated. Many dissolved substances were attributed to the products of microbiological trans-formation of high-molecular compounds. The leading factors determining the quality of groundwater on the biogeochemical barrier in the zone of river filtration can be the processes of biotransformation of organic matter of natural and anthropogenic origin.
Key words: groundwater, river bank filtration, flood, transformation of PAH, humic substances
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