Geoekologiya, 2018, Vol. 6, P. 95-102
A. L. Yazvina,#
aHYDEC Company, 15-ya Parkovaya ul. 10a, Moscow, 105203 Russia #E-mail: alyazvin@hydec.ru
This work is the first attempt in the Russian Federation to justify the principles of developing standards for the quality of groundwater bodies. The application of standards aims at the preservation of favorable environ-ment and ensuring ecological safety. It is shown that the standards should be developed by results of special re-search based on the indicators of natural-anthropogenic hydrogeological systems under the natural conditions in relation to existing and/or projected human activities. The procedure for developing standards includes de-termination of the object boundaries and the list of parameters under control, their permissible changes based on possible groundwater use and their relationship with surface waters and terrestrial ecosystems.
Keywords: environment, groundwater, quality standards, natural-anthropogenic hydrogeological systems, human activities, surface waters, terrestrial ecosystems
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