Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 6, P. 68-80
L. A. Garetova*, E .L. Imranova, O. A. Kirienko, N. K. Fisher
Institute of Water and Ecological Problems, Far East Branch, Russian of Sciences,
Dikopoltseva str., 56, Khabarovsk, Russia, 680000
*E-mail: micro@ivep.as.khb.ru
Assessment of the distribution of organic compounds and biotic components in soils in the winter (pre-growing) period contributes to obtaining the most complete information for understanding the processes of carbon accumulation in soils of various genesis and carbon exchange between soils, atmosphere, and hydrosphere. This study was carried out to assess the composition of OC (Corg), hydrocarbons (HC), volatile organic compounds (VOC) and biotic components (microorganisms and phytopigments) in various types of soils during winter period. Samples were collected from the main types of soils on the southwestern coast of the Tatar Strait: peat soils (Еuthrophic Histosols), burozems (Cаmbisols), and technogenic soils (Technosols). The winter period is characterized by attenuation of most biochemical processes in the soil and fixes the composition of OC and biotic components at the end of the growing season. In peat soils, the Corg content was 42-45, in burozems 10.0-32.7, and in technozems 7.3-17.9%. The HC content was 590-2780, 130-210, and 110-130 mg/kg, respectively. The study of the molecular weight distribution of n-alkanes made it possible to establish that natural hydrocarbons in peat soils are able to form levels significantly (6-28 times) higher than the background indicators of HC content. The accumulation in soils of a significant (up to 25.03 mg/dm3) amount of VOCs is due to the presence of low temperatures and snow cover, which prevent their evaporation and migration into the conjugated environments. VOCs are dominated by microbiological transformation products (acetone, acetaldehyde, methanol). The total number of heterotrophic bacteria varied depending on the type of soil (from 0.8 to 68.6 million CFU/g). The proportion of oil-oxidizing bacteria ranged from 18.2 to 87% of the number of heterotrophs; the number of micromycetes varied from 1.5 to 38.4 thousand CFU/g. The pigments in all types of soils were dominated by carotenoids (Chl. a/car = 0.09-0.68), which is associated with their resistance to oxidation and biodegradation. The microbial and / or microbial-destructive component ∑C20-C25 = 19.7-20.5% plays a significant role in the process of restoration of the organogenic horizon of technogenic soils, which is consistent with the maximum (68.6 million CFU/g) number of heterotrophic bacteria, among which the ability to oxidize oil was up to 87%. The absence of actinomycetes in peat soils is due to low (4.08-4.7) pH values and excessive waterlogging.
Keywords: peat soil, burozems, technozems, organic compound, hydrocarbons, n-alkanes, phytopigments, microorganisms, volatile organic compounds.
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