Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 6, P. 28-36
T. V. Gonikov1,2
1Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, 1, Moscow, 119991 Russia
2Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS, Ulanskii per., 13, bld. 2, Moscow, 101000 Russia
E-mail: gonikov.timur@yandex.ru
The paper presents the results of landscape pattern comparison between Baer mounds in the Northern Caspian region and Lake Chad dune islands. Using the methods of mathematical landscape morphology, a similarity was established in the structure of indicated landscape patterns expressed in the lognormal distribution of ridge diameters and the Poisson distribution of specific points. Four sections of the Baer mounds distribution and two sections of Lake Chad were analyzed. The necessity for a comprehensive comparative analysis is pointed out, taking into account the structural similarity of landscape pattern and a number of physical and geographical patterns. The foundations have been laid for solving a number of geoecological engineering problems in ridge coastal landscapes.
Keywords: Baer mounds, ridge landforms, landscape pattern, mathematical morphology of landscape, Caspian lowland, Lake Chad
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