Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 6, P. 47-54
F. S. Karpenko*, V. N. Kutergin, S. I. Frolov, O. V. Serebrova
Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Science, Ulanskii per., 13, bld. 2, Moscow, 101000 Russia
*E-mail: kafs08@bk.ru
Capillary forces operating in incompletely water-saturated clay soils appear to be an important agent affecting their strength properties. The paper considers the results of practical studies in the changing value of capillary compressive forces in clay soil varieties depending on their water saturation degree. Investigations are based on the physicochemical strength theory. It is shown that the value of capillary compressive forces in clays depends on their structure, the prevailing type of structural contacts, the number of clay particles and contacts between them. This value is proved to be dependent on the degree of water saturation in soil, changing regularly with the variation of the latter.
Keywords: clay soils, structural contacts, general effective stresses, actual effective stresses, capillary meniscus, capillary compressive forces
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