Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 6, P. 55-67
A. A. Konyshev1,*, E. S. Sidkina1,**, E. A. Soldatova1, E. V. Cherkasova1, I. A. Bugaev1,
A. S. Toropov2, D. N. Dogadkin1, I. N. Gromyak1, I. Yu. Nikolaeva2
1Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry RAS, ul. Kosygina, 19, Moscow,119991 Russia
2Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie gory, 1, Moscow,119991 Russia
*E-mail: icelopa@gmail.com
**E-mail: sidkinaes@yandex.ru
The study aims to consider the behavior of chemical elements in waters exposed to the mine "Lupikko-I" (Pitkyaranta mining district, Karelia) focusing in particular on ore metal speciation and the forms of their immobilization. The mine "Lupikko-I" was exploited for iron ore extraction. The authors attempt to establish the relationship between the Ristioya River water and the waters that eroded the mine dumps since the local runoff seriously influences river runoff formation. For this purpose, the water samples were taken from the mine “Lupikko-I” (from the water surface and the depth of 2 m), a trial pit and pond within the mine dumps, and the Ristioya River. In addition to the water samples, two samples of sediments were taken from the trial pit and pond bottom. The water samples were analyzed using titration, high-temperature catalytic oxidation, ICP-MS, and ICP-AES. The sediment samples were analyzed by ICP-MS after acid digestion.The thermodynamic model of element speciation and secondary mineral formation was developed in the software package Hydrogeo guided by the principle of equilibrium modeling. The results show high contents of Fe, Zn, Ni, Co, Sr, Cd, and U in the waters connected with the mine “Lupikko-I”and its dumps relative to the values of the geochemical background. The maximum concentrations of these metals are found in the water sampled from the trial pit, while the highest concentrations in bottom sediments are determined for the pond. In the river waters, the concentrations of metals are much lower. The studies show that surface runoff enters a pond with stagnant water after the active mineral dissolution in the mine dumps by precipitation under atmospheric oxygen influence. Studied metals are immobilized in the pond bottom sediments due to the formation of secondary minerals or sorption. It can be concluded that the pond serves as a receiver of the surface runoff connected with the mine dumps and reservoir for chemical processes of water self-purification. The effect of organic matter on the metal speciation water is the most pronounced for the Fe accumulation in the waters of the Lupikko mining area. Calcium, magnesium, and most of the considered trace elements (Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd, Ni, and Pb) show a lower affinity with humic substances.
Keywords: surface water, underspoil water, pollution, thermodynamic modeling, mine, fulvic acids, humic acids, humic substances, organomineral complexes, secondary minerals
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