Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 6, P. 17-27
I. V. Korobova, V. M. Makeev
Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS (IEG RAS),Ulansky per. 13, str. 2. Moscow, 101000 Russia
Е-mail: irakorv@mail.ru
Е-mail: vmakeev@mail.ru
Structural and geomorphological studies were carried out in the Vladimir-Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow regions in order to assess the amplitudes and velocities of total and gradual neotectonic movements that determine the intensity of geological processes. The quantitative assessment is based on the study of different types of denudation surfaces of leveling and river terraces related to erosion-accumulative cycles. Factual material includes information about the age, genesis and composition of sediments, structural and geomorphological sections, as well as field route observations. The research results indicate the differentiation in neotectonic movements by amplitudes and velocities due to the peculiarities of geodynamic conditions upon the formation of new and modern structures.
On the basis of the Eopleistocene reference surface, the vertical rates of neotectonic deformations and the rates of erosion processes (deep embedding) for the Neo-Pleistocene-Holocene time in the Moskvoretskaya geodynamically active zone are estimated for the first time. The deformation rate has been estimated at 0.005 mm/year, the rate of erosive embedding being 5 times higher than the neotectonic one (0.025 mm/year). The total value of endogenous and exogenous components is 0.03 mm/year. The research results confirm the previous conclusion that an insignificant speed of neotectonic movements on platforms causes the intensive development of exogenous geological processes. Activity of these processes is one of the reasons for the postponement of designing and construction of the Nizhny Novgorod nuclear power plant.
Keywords: structural-geomorphological method, neotectonic structures, geodynamically active zones, denudation levels, river terraces, amplitudes and velocities of movements, geoecologically significant dislocations
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