Geoekologiya, 2021, Vol. 6, P. 89-96
T. B. Minakova,V. G. Zaikanov*, E. V. Buldakova
Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulansky per. 13, str. 2, Moscow, 101000 Russia
The urban geoenvironmental safety depends directly on the properties of geological environment. Natural-anthropogenic urban soils called technozems are one of the indicators of its state. The article suggests an approach to assessing the damage from accumulated soil pollution. Ground pollution is associated with the emission and precipitation of pollutants, with the disposal of industrial and municipal waste, emergency situations at hazardous enterprises, etc. The calculations have confirmed the predominance of human-induced damage over that arisen from hazardous natural processes in the city, with the sum of these damages indicating the degree of geoenvironmental hazard/safety of the city.
Keywords: technogenous factors, hazardous industrial enterprises, geoenvironmental hazard, geochemical soil pollution, soil pollution damage
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