Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 2, 53-57


K. L. Chertesa,#, O. V. Tupicynaa,##, V. N. Pystina,###, and E. N. Petrenkoa,####

 a Samara State Technical University, Molodogvardeiskaya ul. 244, Samara, 443100 Russia

##e-mail: olgatupicyna@yandex.ru


####e-mail: shn.007@mail.ru

The article considers the problem of formation and research of technogenic lenses. Authors suggest methods for evaluation the condition and approaches to geoengineering protection and rehabilitation of rocks in the aeration zone contaminated with technogenic fluids. Generally accepted methods of modern scientific re- search are applied. The objects of study are rocks of the aeration zone, pollutants, and water bodies. Meth- odological approaches to the study, monitoring and evaluation of lenses of pollutants formed as a result of technogenesis are created. The methods of localization and liquidation of man-made deposits using engineering protection methods are proposed. The authors offered reagents for the rehabilitation of the geoenvironment after the extraction of useful hydrocarbon materials. Three-dimensional modeling methods were used for evaluation and interpretation of results, and an approach was implemented considering a technogenic lens as a system of induced vibrations. The authors propose the resource-environmental assessment of technogenic deposits of liquid pollutants, which includes three-dimensional modeling.

Keywords: technogenic deposit, pollution of the geological environment, flooding of territories, liquidation of deposits, three-dimensional modeling, rehabilitation, restoration of the environment

DOI: 10.31857/S0869780320010032


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