Geoekologiya, 2020, Vol. 2, 16-27


M. P. Kropotkin#

National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Yaroslavskoe shosse, 26, Moscow, 129337 Russia #e-mail: singeos@narod.ru

Some aspects of seismic impact on the stability of massive seismic gravitational solid massives are examined. The case of the slope stability calculation using separate accounting for seismic accelerations in blocks is shown. The influence of the relief on the change in seismic effects is considered. The comparative impact of longitudinal and transverse seismic waves from the earthquake focuses located in front of the slope foot and behind the slope ridge is evaluated. Some interrelations between the impact parameters caused by the seismic waves from the possible earthquake source and the slope stability are analyzed in dependence of the spatial position of seismic sources and landslide-prone sites. It is concluded that the hazard of major seismic impacts of longitudinal waves on slope stability is small, whereas the probability of transverse waves impact is, on the contrary, high.

Keywords: the Black Sea, coast, earthquakes, rock landslides, slope stability calculations

DOI: 10.31857/S086978092002006X


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